Our Schemes
Browse our EQA scheme list below. Here you’ll find schemes relating to autoimmunity, allergy & immunodeficiency, and immunochemistry. Download information easily from our links below.
- This scheme has been reconfigured into 4 new schemes:
- Rheumatoid Antibodies
- Thyroid Antibodies
- Anaemia Related Antibodies
- Liver Disease Antibodies
- This scheme has been reconfigured into 4 new schemes:
- Rheumatoid Factor (SER/001)
- Citrullinated Proteins (SER/036)
- Thyroid Microsome Antibody/TPO (SER/002)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor Antibody/TRAb (SER/048)
- Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies (SER/034)
- Identification of antibodies associated with autoimmune liver disease (SER/004)
- To include Mitochondrial antibodies, Liver Kidney Microsomal (LKM) antibodies, Smooth Muscle Antibodies (SMA) and other liver antibodies (PML, Ro-52)
- Nuclear Antibodies (ANA/DNA/ENA) (SER/005)
- Nuclear Antibodies (ANA/DNA) (SER/003)
Anti Phospholipid Antibodies (SER/006)
ANCA and GBM Antibodies (SER/007)
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies (ACR) Antibody (SER/008)
Bullous Dermatosis Antibodies (SER/009)
Coeliac Disease Antibodies (SER/010)
Interferon Gamma Release Assays (SER/039)
Paraneoplastic Antibodies (SER/038)
Diabetic Markers (SER/047)
Ganglioside Antibody (SER/050)
Myositis Associated Antibodies (SER/054)
Phospholipase Receptor 2 Antibodies (SER/055)
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein IgM Antibodies (SER/057)
COVID-19/SARS CoV-2 Antibodies (SER/059)
Pilot UK NEQAS for N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibodies SER/062
- Fungal Antibodies (SER/016)
- Avian Antibodies (SER/017)
IgG Subclasses (SER/018)
- Tetanus Antibodies (SER/043)
- H.Influenzae Antibodies (SER/044)
- Pneumococcal Antibodies (SER/045)
Total Serum IgE (SER/031)
Allergen Specific IgE (SER/032)
Allergen Component Testing (SER/051)
Tryptase (SER/040)
Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes (SER/056)
Beta 2 Microglobulin (SER/013)
C1 Inhibitor and Functional Complement (SER/033)
C-Reactive Protein and Procalcitonin
- CRP (SER/014)
- Procalcitonin (SER/061)
Pilot Point of Care C-Reactive Protein Testing (POC/555)
CRP Ultrasensitive Assays (SER/028)
CSF Oligoclonal Bands (SER/015)
CSF Haem Pigments (SER/042)
CSF Proteins & Biochemistry (SER/041)
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Phenotype Identification (SER/037)
CSF Beta 2 Transferrin / Beta Trace Protein (SER/046)
Interleukin-6 (SER/060)
Monoclonal Protein Identification (SER/019)
Pilot Cryoprotein (image based) (SER/052)
Total PSA (SER/020) & Free PSA (SER/030)
- Ovarian Markers (CA125) (SER/021)
- Gut Markers (CA199) (SER/022)
- Breast Markers (CA153) (SER/023)
- Lung Markers (NSE) (SER/024)
- Chromogranin A (SER/049)
Ultrasensitive PSA (SER/058)
Digital ANA (image based) (DA/601)
Anti-TNF Drugs and Antibodies (TNFA / TNFI)
Download our EQA Schemes and Register Today
Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information, and register here today. Alongside our EQA Schemes, you can also download educational resources from our Digital Academy, including webinars, commentaries, videos and more.
What is an EQA scheme?
An EQA scheme is a quality assurance program designed to assess the performance of laboratories or testing facilities by comparing their results with those of other participating laboratories using the same methods or standards.
What are the benefits of participating in EQA schemes?
Participating in EQA schemes offers several benefits, including benchmarking performance against peers, identifying areas for improvement, enhancing confidence in test results, meeting regulatory requirements, demonstrating competence to clients or stakeholders, and fostering continuous professional development.